Written by John Horvat
During recent travels, a colleague and I pulled into a gas station to
get fuel and stretch our legs. It was a gas station like so many
thousands across the country without anything extraordinary about it.
However, as we returned to the car, we noticed a middle-aged woman
speaking on what appeared to be an intercom system. It looked like she
was trying to get the pump to work and was using the intercom to resolve
a problem with the people inside. It was very loud and everyone in the
fueling area could hear.
But we soon realized that the sound was actually blaring from the
car’s speakers. This lady was not talking to the gas station cashier.
She was not on an intercom, but a cell phone. She was using the car’s
system to talk with a friend as she walked around the car to pump her
own gas. She simply did not care that everyone could very clearly hear
everything in the whole conversation as if on a public address system.
For more, click here.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
Moslems Give Homily at Catholic Mass in Place of Priest’s Sermon
Zenit News: Question: During our sacred liturgy on Pentecost Sunday, in place of the homily, two leaders from the local mosque were invited to “join us in prayer in light of the example given by our Holy Father.”
The first gentleman shared his views on God and how we are all searching for peace and how it can be found only in God. He explained that Muslims believe in the same God as Christians and that they too believe that “Jesus was a prophet, like the great Mohammed.”
The second gentleman proceeded to read various selections from the Quran in English and then sung those same verses in Arabic. He read several passages about Mary as well. At the end of their “prayers for peace,” the woman who introduced them explained to the congregation, and I quote, that “Our Muslim brothers would now be leaving the Liturgy of the Word as we prepare to recite the Creed which further isolates us from them. . . . I personally felt a prisoner in my own house and felt ashamed because I did not have the courage of the early martyrs to stand and say, “Jesus was not JUST a prophet but the Son of GOD.”
I was horrified to hear our Creed be referred to in our own house as a point of “isolation.” I feel our Creed is not a point of isolation, but truth that should not be apologized for, just because we have visitors from another faith with us.” More here.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
‘Return to Order’ Earns Honorable Mention at New York Book Festival |
HANDLER, AZ (June, 2014) – Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society —Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go by John Horvat II has earned an honorable mention in the General-Nonfiction category at the 2014 New York Book Festival.
“I am so pleased to have my book recognized by so many different awards programs – both in the U.S. and internationally,” says Horvat, who is vice president of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property. “This is quite an honor.”
Horvat’s book has earned honorable mentions at this year’s Los Angeles Book Festival, Great Southeast Book Festival, Great Southwest Book Festival, Great Northwest Book Festival and last year’s New England Book Festival and London Book Festival.
‘Return to Order’ Earns Honorable Mention at New York Book Festival |
“I am so pleased to have my book recognized by so many different awards programs – both in the U.S. and internationally,” says Horvat, who is vice president of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property. “This is quite an honor.”
Horvat’s book has earned honorable mentions at this year’s Los Angeles Book Festival, Great Southeast Book Festival, Great Southwest Book Festival, Great Northwest Book Festival and last year’s New England Book Festival and London Book Festival.
‘Return to Order’ Earns Honorable Mention at New York Book Festival |
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Video: Boys Pray to Stop Abortion During Chivalry Camp
How often do you see a cheerful group of forty young men praying the rosary outside Planned Parenthood?
The participants of the 2014 Call to Chivalry Camp put the spirit of Catholic knighthood into practice with a simple yet powerful demonstration on June 11 outside Planned Parenthood in Camden, New Jersey. Several boys held a banner, stating: “With God’s grace, our generation will stop abortion.” The honks were continuous in response to a "Honk for Life" sign.
Video: Boys Pray to Stop Abortion During Chivalry Camp
Saturday, June 21, 2014
When Will the Multi-Trillion-Dollar Debt Parties Stop? |
However, America is not alone in its debt woes. If misery loves company, then America has plenty, with most major countries ringing up similar arrears.
The world debt figure has now reached an alarming $100 trillion with no end in sight.
To read the rest of the article, please click here.
When Will the Multi-Trillion-Dollar Debt Parties Stop? |
Thursday, June 19, 2014
The Feast of Corpus Christi in Toledo
According to an ancient Spanish proverb, there are three Thursdays that shine more than the sun: Holy Thursday, Ascension Thursday and Corpus Christi.
The morning is bright. I climb the steep slopes of the city on foot, panting. My car has been left by the river. If driving around Toledo is usually a complex task, on Corpus Christi it is impossible, since the city’s narrow streets are closed. I am short of breath because the cityis located on top of a steep hill, defended by the Tagus River and medieval walls.
As I walk, I join many other Toledo residents and visitors who, like me, hasten to attend the grand procession.
For more see below
The Feast of Corpus Christi in Toledo
Friday, June 13, 2014
Video: 5 Ugly Cases of Pro-Homosexual Rainbow Rage
Have you ever seen pro-homosexual advocates just lose it? Cry, stomp
their feet, throw things, blast you with insults, and then call you
judgmental? Well, here are 5 examples of what happened to TFP
volunteers while on tour for traditional marriage throughout
Pennsylvania, Indiana and Ohio in April, 2014.
The Blessed Mother is Attacked Again: Please Protest
Be aware…this is deeply disturbing.
The Blessed Virgin Mary is under a brutal attack on Facebook!
And because I know that you dearly love Our Lady and the Mother of Jesus, I believe that you will help us put a stop to this terrible sacrilege.
And do this by telling Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg:
“Take Down This Page!”
Will you?
We must stop the giant social media site Facebook from continuing to carry this brutal attack on the Virgin Mary:
Yes, it’s hard to believe, but the page has a top banner headlined with the blasphemous message…
“Virgin Mary Should’ve Aborted.”
That blasphemy is bad enough, but…
…it is matched in blasphemous messaging by an image of Our Lord Jesus Christ as a fetus:
… with a cigar hanging out of her mouth.
And last but not least…
…a smaller picture on the left shows a traditionally veiled “Mary,” nine months pregnant, with her robe pulled up over her most holy womb, swearing with a four-letter word as she looks with implied anger, irritation, and revolt at her pregnant belly.
My friend, how can we just ignore this? We can’t!
Godless, impure, sexual, and mocking language, comments, and opinions are made throughout the entire page especially directed against Our Lady’s ever-virginity.
So we must defend Mary’s honor.
Tell Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg:
“Take Down This Page!”

If tens of thousands of Catholics pray and speak up, we hope and pray Facebook will enforce its hate-speech policy and remove this blasphemous page.
We’ve been successful in getting YouTube to remove many blasphemous videos in the past!
Remember: The Facebook Policies/Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, Category 3 (Safety), item 7, says:
“You will not post content that is hate speech…”
And Facebook clarifies what they consider to be Hate Speech on their Community Standards page:
“Facebook distinguishes between serious and humorous speech…we do not permit individuals or groups to attack others based on their…religion…”
And yet, here is an entire page devoted to blaspheming and mocking Our Lady’s holy and divine pregnancy.
And with the evident intent to demean and insult the faith of Catholics.
Isn’t that "hate speech"?
It is in my book.

Thank you for speaking out. And may Our Lord Jesus Christ reward you!
Be aware…this is deeply disturbing.
The Blessed Virgin Mary is under a brutal attack on Facebook!
And because I know that you dearly love Our Lady and the Mother of Jesus, I believe that you will help us put a stop to this terrible sacrilege.
And do this by telling Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg:
“Take Down This Page!”
Will you?
We must stop the giant social media site Facebook from continuing to carry this brutal attack on the Virgin Mary:
Yes, it’s hard to believe, but the page has a top banner headlined with the blasphemous message…
“Virgin Mary Should’ve Aborted.”
That blasphemy is bad enough, but…
…it is matched in blasphemous messaging by an image of Our Lord Jesus Christ as a fetus:
- complete with umbilical cord (as if still in the womb, hence He should’ve been aborted)
- with a bloody crown of thorns
- with His five bleeding Sacred Wounds of the Crucifixion
- and with the word ‘YAHWE’ tattooed onto His arm; evidently to make sure people understand exactly of Whom they are referring: the Son of God and His most holy mother.
… with a cigar hanging out of her mouth.
And last but not least…
…a smaller picture on the left shows a traditionally veiled “Mary,” nine months pregnant, with her robe pulled up over her most holy womb, swearing with a four-letter word as she looks with implied anger, irritation, and revolt at her pregnant belly.
My friend, how can we just ignore this? We can’t!
Godless, impure, sexual, and mocking language, comments, and opinions are made throughout the entire page especially directed against Our Lady’s ever-virginity.
So we must defend Mary’s honor.
Tell Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg:
“Take Down This Page!”

If tens of thousands of Catholics pray and speak up, we hope and pray Facebook will enforce its hate-speech policy and remove this blasphemous page.
We’ve been successful in getting YouTube to remove many blasphemous videos in the past!
Remember: The Facebook Policies/Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, Category 3 (Safety), item 7, says:
“You will not post content that is hate speech…”
And Facebook clarifies what they consider to be Hate Speech on their Community Standards page:
“Facebook distinguishes between serious and humorous speech…we do not permit individuals or groups to attack others based on their…religion…”
And yet, here is an entire page devoted to blaspheming and mocking Our Lady’s holy and divine pregnancy.
And with the evident intent to demean and insult the faith of Catholics.
Isn’t that "hate speech"?
It is in my book.

Thank you for speaking out. And may Our Lord Jesus Christ reward you!
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Poland's PM: Catholic Doctors Must Perform Abortions
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Poland's prime
minister, Donald Tusk, on Tuesday weighed into an abortion debate that
is roiling emotions in the largely Catholic country, saying doctors have
to put their obligation to the patient and the law above their
religious beliefs.
Tusk's comment came after a well-known obstetrician in Warsaw, Bogdan Chazan, caused uproar by refusing to allow a woman to abort a fetus with serious head and brain defects. A declared Catholic, Chazan argued that an abortion would be against his personal beliefs and the woman now has to give birth to the child.
In Poland, abortion is legal until the 25th week of pregnancy when the mother's life is at risk or if the fetus is badly damaged or the result of rape or incest.
"Regardless of what his conscience is telling him, (a doctor) must carry out the law," Tusk said. "Every patient must be sure that ... the doctor will perform all procedures in accordance with the law and in accordance with his duties."
Tusk's comment came after a well-known obstetrician in Warsaw, Bogdan Chazan, caused uproar by refusing to allow a woman to abort a fetus with serious head and brain defects. A declared Catholic, Chazan argued that an abortion would be against his personal beliefs and the woman now has to give birth to the child.
In Poland, abortion is legal until the 25th week of pregnancy when the mother's life is at risk or if the fetus is badly damaged or the result of rape or incest.
"Regardless of what his conscience is telling him, (a doctor) must carry out the law," Tusk said. "Every patient must be sure that ... the doctor will perform all procedures in accordance with the law and in accordance with his duties."
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
You're Not Alone: This Video Shows You Why God's Marriage Can WIN
Please pause whatever you're doing right now. And see how many Americans -- on an average public street corner -- stand firmly on the morally right side of history, that is, for God's marriage between 1 man + 1 woman.
And share this video with others. Because the liberal media wants you to think that you're all alone standing up for moral values. But you're not.
Spread the word.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Two Iowa Planned Parenthood facilities closing this month | LifeSiteNews.com
RED OAK, IA, June 3, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Two former Planned Parenthood abortion facilities are set to close
this month, just six months after the abortion giant quietly laid off all but a single employee and stopped offering telemed abortions at both locations.
Iowa Right to Life announced the impending closures in an email to pro-life activists, which featured a photo of a sign on the door of the Red Oak facility informing clients that the center is being “consolidated” with another facility in Council Bluffs effective June 18.
“In the past 2 years alone, we have seen TWELVE Iowa Planned Parenthoods close for good, many of which sold webcam abortions,” wrote Iowa Right to Life President Jenifer Bowen. “We want to publicly thank the faithful Pro-Lifers who went out to the sidewalks in both Red Oak and Creston, in all kinds of weather, to offer women life-saving alternatives. It's in no small part due to their ongoing peaceful, prayerful presence these abortion facilities are shutting down.”
In addition to the two clinic closures, the pro-life group reported that Planned Parenthood’s Bettendorf and Sioux City abortion centers have stopped offering surgical abortions.
Two Iowa Planned Parenthood facilities closing this month | LifeSiteNews.com
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Poll: 42% of Americans Believe God Created Humans 10,000 Years Ago
A new survey shows that 42% of
Americans believe God created human beings in their present form within the last
10,000 years, and an additional 31% believe that humans evolved from simpler
life forms over millions of years but that God has guided that evolution.
19% of Americans said they believe humans evolved over millions of years without
any guidance from God, the Gallup
poll reported.
survey also showed that for Americans who attend church weekly, 69% think God
created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years, and for those
who attend church “nearly weekly/monthly,” 47% believe that God created humans
within the last 10,000 years.
has been asking the human origins question since 1982. At that time, 44%
of Americans believed that God created humans and that number peaked at 47% in
the late 1990s.
percentage of the U.S. population choosing the creationist perspective as
closest to their own view has fluctuated in a narrow range between 40% and 47%
since the question’s inception,” said Gallup.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Who is the "Tankman" of Tiananmen Square?
hare Article
CNN via Getty Images(BEIJING) -- It's an iconic image that defined courage and defiance for a generation around the globe.
But little is known about the man who blocked the path of a column tanks in Tiananmen Square in Beijing 25 years ago, on June 5, 1989.
Over the years he has come to be known as the "Tank Man," the "Unknown Rebel," or the "Unknown Protester."
Some reports have identified the man as Wang Weilin, but his true identity has not been confirmed. The South Korean news agency Yonhap reported in 2006 that Wang Weilin was an alias and that he had escaped the massacre in Tiananmen Square and has made his way to Taiwan via Hong Kong.
What we do know about him are his actions, captured that day in stunning video footage.
But little is known about the man who blocked the path of a column tanks in Tiananmen Square in Beijing 25 years ago, on June 5, 1989.
Over the years he has come to be known as the "Tank Man," the "Unknown Rebel," or the "Unknown Protester."
Some reports have identified the man as Wang Weilin, but his true identity has not been confirmed. The South Korean news agency Yonhap reported in 2006 that Wang Weilin was an alias and that he had escaped the massacre in Tiananmen Square and has made his way to Taiwan via Hong Kong.
What we do know about him are his actions, captured that day in stunning video footage.
Monday, June 2, 2014
Film of the Canonization of Pope St. Pius X!
Although the film is in German and Italian, the scenes are fantastic.
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