Friday, February 24, 2017

Oppose Radical Feminism with Lady Day, March 8th — 'Pure Goodness at Work!' -

“The level of any civilization is the level of its womanhood.” -Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Social agitators — the same who marched on Washington, DC last month in the much publicized and shockingly vulgar Women’s March — are at it again.
A Day Without Women general strike is planned for March 8, National Women’s Day, asking women to stay home from work to show support for radical egalitarian feminism and harmful social causes like Planned Parenthood, abortion, and same-sex “marriage”.

But how many women can really skip work? What about mothers? What about nurses or any woman who works in society to help others? We can't skip work! And furthermore, we don't want to.
Lady Day is a positive response, a day for us to celebrate God’s plan for women as pure and good. In fact, the motto for this special day is “Pure Goodness at Work!”
Lady Day is dedicated to the most sublime lady ever: Mary Most Holy. In her motherhood, she has nurtured all human beings.


Our greatest dignity is, like Mary, to be what God designed us to be and our greatest happiness is in fulfilling God’s intention. As St. Francis de Sales says, “Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly.” What are women meant to be?
Some are meant to be mothers, with a nurturing presence at home. Others, not given the grace of natural motherhood, are privileged to be mothers in a spiritual sense, to nurture others by unfailing purity, goodness and selflessness.
“Mothers are closer to God the Creator than any other creature; God joins forces with mothers in performing this act of creation…What on God’s good earth is more glorious than this; to be a mother?”
-Cardinal Mindzenty
What can you do on Lady Day?
1. Go out for tea with lady friends on March 8th. Dress up in a modest, elegant way to celebrate femininity. If someone asks why you’re dressed up, be prepared to explain that Lady Day is a special day to appreciate how God made women, and embrace our God-given role in society.
2. Post photos of your Lady Day outing on The Return To Order Facebook page.
This special outing to celebrate Lady Day and the photos will counter the divisive “A Day Without Women” strike. It will have a good influence on our children and on society! Will you join me?
Happy Lady Day!
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Colette Zimmerman is a Catholic mother, wife and writer.  She and her husband Thomas are TFP Supporters.  Mrs. Zimmerman writes regularly on issues related to fashion and Catholic femininity on her Catholic Lady Blog.

Lady Day, March 8th — 'Pure Goodness at Work!' -: Lady Day, March 8th — 'Pure Goodness at Work!'

Monday, February 13, 2017

Should We Stop Opposing the Ruling Legalizing Same-Sex “Marriage”? Bishop Robert Barron’s Surprising Statements -

The recent (January 30) statements by the Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles, Robert Barron, that he will not fight for the abolition of the same-sex “marriage” ruling has scandalized even his admirers. He contends that revoking that decision “would probably cause much more problems and dissension and difficulty if we keep pressing it.” He doubles down: “I wouldn’t want to get on a crusader’s tank and try to reverse that.”1

Is Homosexual Tendency Intrinsically Disordered?

This statement by a bishop known for his writings, videos, homilies and cultural comments is even more serious because he made them to David Rubin, a homosexual journalist living in a same-sex “marriage.”2
For Bishop Barron, “if the only thing a gay person hears from the Catholic Church is, ‘you’re intrinsically disordered,’ we’ve got a very serious problem, if that’s what the message has become.”
Contrary to the above statement, the Church has never taught that a person with same-sex attraction is “intrinsically disordered,” but rather his homosexual tendency. To say that someone is “intrinsically” disordered, that is, in their very nature, would mean that God created a disordered nature, which is absurd.

Taking a Principled not a Personal Stand

As practicing Catholics, we are filled with compassion and pray for those who struggle against violent temptation to sin, be it toward homosexual sin or otherwise.
We are conscious of the enormous difference between these individuals who struggle with their weaknesses and strive to overcome them and others who transform their sin into a reason for pride, and try to impose their lifestyle on society as a whole, in flagrant opposition to traditional Christian morality and natural law. However, we pray for them too.
According to the expression attributed to Saint Augustine, we “hate the sin but love the sinner.” And to love the sinner, as the same Doctor of the Church explains, is to wish for him the best we can possibly desire for ourselves, namely, “that he may love God with a perfect affection.” (St. Augustine, Of the Morals of the Catholic Church, no. 49,

In What Sense Is a Sinner a Child of God?

The Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles added, “The first thing a gay person, like any person, should hear is ‘You’re a beloved child of God.”
In the context in which this statement was made—that is, on a pro-homosexual program—it takes on a dangerous ambiguity. For it does not make clear whether the bishop is referring to a person with a disorderly tendency who resists and does not sin, or to one who actually practices the act against nature.
There is no doubt that all men are children of God. But the sinner is a son in revolt against his Creator, whom he offends by despising His Law. In this state of revolt, he loses divine friendship, sanctifying grace, and is on his way to Hell should he die in such a state.3

A True “Son of God” Is One Who Keeps the Commandments

The words of the Savior are clear and unequivocal: to love Him as a son loves his father, one must keep His words—that is Faith—and His commandments:
“If you love me, keep my commandments.”
“He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them; he it is that loveth me.”
“If any one love me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and will make our abode with him. He that loveth me not, keepeth not my words” (John 14:15212324).

Does Concern With Morals Hinder Evangelization?

Bishop Barron, apparently angered by the protests caused by his statements, posted a response on his blog titled “Dave Rubin, the Pelvic Issues, and Larry David.”
Referring to Catholic sexual morality in a derogatory fashion as “the pelvic issues” is really shocking. In his view, people who care about moral issues hurt evangelization.
He says, “[T]his preoccupation with ‘the pelvic issues’ has served to undermine the work of evangelization.”
With the qualification that he does not scorn morality, he adds, “But I fear that for so many people in the secular world today, religion is reduced to the policing of sexual behavior, and this is massively unfortunate.”
As far as he is concerned, the Sacred Scriptures are not concerned with sexual morality:
“When you read the great evangelizing texts of the New Testament—the Gospels, the Epistles of Paul, the book of Revelation, etc.—you don’t get the impression that what their authors wanted you primarily to understand is sexual morality.”
Now, in his Epistle to the Corinthians, Saint Paul makes it clear that he is talking sexual morality:
“Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers. Nor the effeminate, nor liers with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners, shall possess the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9-10).

Silence on Morality, a Triumph of the Sexual Revolution

Has the silence of the clergy on sexual morals (save for well-deserving exceptions) favored evangelization? On the contrary, one should consider the empty churches and the closure of convents and seminaries for lack of vocations.
This silence has only favored the Sexual Revolution, which keeps advancing and destroying the very foundations and remnants of morality, modesty, and human dignity.
Sexual pleasure is more and more idolized, with ominous consequences: destruction of marriage and the family, exaltation of free love, normalization of all forms of sexual aberration; sexual frenzy no longer respects barriers of age, sex and even species, with an increase in zoophilia.
Modesty—that flower of chastity that at the same time embellishes and protects it—has become virtually unknown. The human body is exposed and exploited by all means through fashion, movies, pictures, in an erotic exhibitionism opposed not only to morality but even to human dignity.

Is Christian Perfection Impossible?

Even more surprisingly, Bishop Barron declares that the Bible is ironical and skeptical in relation to “any claim to human perfectibility.” If that were the case, every effort man makes to sanctify himself with the help of grace would be useless. Nor would it make any sense for the Church to have canonized the saints for having practiced virtue to a heroic degree.

Sympathy for an Advocate of Same-Sex “Marriage”

Bishop Barron is entirely at ease with, and praises a journalist who advocates same-sex “marriage”:
“Dave is a stand-up comedian, political satirist” he says, though recognizing that “He is also an advocate of gay marriage.” He adds that “I am very grateful to Dave Rubin for the interview and the opportunity to explore a number of issues related to faith and society.”
The bishop again refers in a derogatory fashion to those concerned with sexual morality:
“I just hope that his viewers can appreciate that there is a lot more to Christianity than the ‘pelvic issues.’

Hell Is Supposedly Empty…

It is scandalous for a bishop to employ the crude and unworthy “pelvic issues” formula to refer to the divine and natural moral laws that condemn all sexual practice outside marriage, and especially those contrary to nature.
But Bishop Barron’s moral stance is related to his optimistic theory about Hell. Although he is obliged to reject Origen’s theory, condemned by the Church, that at the end of time the reprobates and even demons will be forgiven,4 he adopts its veiled form, espoused by Hans Urs von Balthasar:
“My own conviction is that Balthasar has this more or less right. Catholic doctrine is that Hell exists, but yet the Church has never claimed to know if any human being is actually in Hell.”
For Bishop Barron, “Hell” or “Gehenna” are “spatial metaphors.” He concludes with a formula very close to Origen’s heresy:
“The divine love, freely rejected, results in suffering. And yet, we may, indeed we should, hope that God’s grace will, in the end, wear down even the most recalcitrant sinner.”
Now, if Hell is purely metaphorical and “in the end” all sinners will be saved by grace no matter what state they die in, why worry about what he contemptuously calls “pelvic issues”?
Morality loses all its meaning, as does the notion of sin and offense to God.
Unfortunately, with his statements, the popular apologist has discouraged those opposed to same-sex “marriage” and created confusion about the very foundations of morality.

If a Catholic Politician Has to Resist Same-Sex “Marriage” Why not a Bishop?

In June 3, 2003, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith published the document CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING PROPOSALS TO GIVE LEGAL RECOGNITION TO UNIONS BETWEEN HOMOSEXUAL PERSONS, signed by then-Cardinal Ratzinger.
The document is emphatic in the necessity to oppose same-sex “marriage” laws.
In n. 5, Section II it states:
“In those situations where homosexual unions have been legally recognized or have been given the legal status and rights belonging to marriage, clear and emphatic opposition is a duty.”
And in Section IV of the document, with guidance for Catholic Politicians, the document insists:
“When legislation in favour of the recognition of homosexual unions is already in force, the Catholic politician must oppose it in the ways that are possible for him and make his opposition known; it is his duty to witness to the truth.”
If that is the obligation of a layman, a Catholic politician, what to say of the obligation of a Bishop that, by his own office is a guardian of the faith and morals?
Should We Stop Opposing the Ruling Legalizing Same-Sex “Marriage”? Bishop Robert Barron’s Surprising Statements -

Friday, February 3, 2017

Three Reasons Not to Watch Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Show

by John Horvat II
The Super Bowl is the most-watched television show in the country. As the premier sports event viewed by tens of millions of Americans, it should reflect the nation and its values.
That is not what is happening this year. In fact, for some years now, the organizers of the event have featured performers who send a message representing the most radical anti-family lifestyles and immoral fashions. This year’s choice is especially unfortunate: Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga will be featured as the principal performer during the 12-minute half-time show this Sunday. The pop star is an outspoken advocate of same-sex “marriage” and the LGBT agenda. Her music and dancers typically represent all that is dark, immoral and bizarre on the pop scene. Moreover, she is expected to politicize her show by using it to criticize the new president. The fact that she will be given this most coveted platform for free to deliver her message is a good reason not to watch the half-time show.
There is another reason to turn off the dial. The nation is polarized and featuring her on this show only creates useless divisions that weaken the nation. It makes no sense to put someone on the stage who ridicules the beliefs, morals and political choices of a sizeable part of the population. America faces major challenges in the days ahead. The Super Bowl should be a clash of teams not moralities. This most important unifying event should serve to unite the nation not divide it.
Finally, there are so many who desire America’s return to order. However, they need to make the connection between morality and entertainment. One of the major reasons America is in such bad shape is because the culture is in the hands of those who destroy morals and promote radical anti-family lifestyles—all in the name of entertainment.
The purpose of entertainment is to provide wholesome repose amid the daily trials and hardships of life. Entertainment should not be hijacked to promote a radical agenda that works against those values and institutions that made America great. It’s not just a show. People need to be consistent in aligning their morals with their entertainment choices.
It is time to stop turning this sporting event into a political statement. After the second quarter, people should exercise their right to turn off Lady Gaga’s half-time show. It has no place in the Super Bowl. It sends the wrong message to the nation.

Three Reasons Not to Watch Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Show: The Super Bowl is the most-watched television show in the country. As the premier sports event for Americans, it should reflect the nation and its values.