August 29, 2013 ( - Newly released video footage shows Democrat gubernatorial candidates Tyler Olson and Jack Hatch joining abortion activists in an extended prayer in thanksgiving for abortionists, asking for increased abortion access, and decrying the fact that women have been "made afraid of their own power by their paternalistic religion."
The five-minute prayer begins, "We give thanks, O Lord, for the doctors, both current and future, who provide quality abortion care, and pray that they may be kept safe."
"We pray for the 45 million American women who have had safe, legal abortions. May they stand tall and refuse shame," the prayer continues. "We pray for elected officials, that they may always support a woman's right to make her own medical decisions."
The prayer was led by abortion activist Midge Slater, according to the Iowa Republican. It was part of a rally by abortion activists ahead of a hearing on proposed rules banning the practice of having abortionists in a remote location dispense abortion drugs to women via webcam.
Iowa gubernatorial candidates, Democrats pray to ‘the Lord’ for more abortion access (video) |
Friday, August 30, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Planned Parenthood Unplanned Closure of 24 Offices
by Cheryl Sullenger
WASHINGTON, D.C., August 23, 2013 (Operation Rescue) — Planned Parenthood offices across the nation have closed this year at a record rate, according to data compiled by Operation Rescue. At least 24 Planned Parenthood sites have closed in so far in 2013.
This number includes three surgical abortion clinics,three clinics that dispensed abortion pills, and 19 offices that referred for abortions. Read more…
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
The Bank That Trust Built

Written by John Horvat II
In writing about economy, I have frequently denounced what I call frenetic intemperance. Frenetic intemperance is a term to describe a restless and reckless spirit inside certain sectors of modern economy that foments a drive to throw off legitimate restraints and gratify all desires. Such a reckless spirit is often found in the financial sector of modern economies as it engages in all sorts of monetary wheeling and dealing.
I admit that banks have their purpose in society by securing money and facilitating transactions needed to carry out business. However, so strong is the frantic idea of modern banking that I have often asked myself if I could provide concrete examples of banking without frenetic intemperance. It is not an easy task.
But in the business section of The Sunday Times of Ireland (7-21-13),[1] I quite unexpectedly found a refreshing example. It involves a London bank called C. Hoare & Co. It is not your ordinary bank.
Read more…
Monday, August 26, 2013
Radio Maria Interview St. Louis de Montfort Academy Headmaster and Boys
Radio Maria interviewed the headmaster of the Saint Louis de Montfort Academy, a TFP-run boarding school for boys.

Perhaps you want to listen to it. Here is the link:

Perhaps you want to listen to it. Here is the link:
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Catholic School Ordered to Pay $171,000 to Teacher
by Phyllis Schlafly
A federal court recently ordered a Catholic school in Ohio to pay $171,000 to a former employee. The employee had violated the terms of her contract by becoming pregnant outside of marriage. The employee admitted to signing a statement that required her to "act consistently in accordance with the stated philosophy and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church." So there is no doubt that she violated the terms of her employment contract and then sued for back pay and damages, and won. The former teacher did not argue that the terms of her employment contract were illegal. She simply complained that they interfered with her lifestyle. But employment conditions often interfere with a worker’s lifestyle, and no one should have a right to a job with a religious employer while violating the job contract.
The disgruntled former employee claims that she was unaware that her action violated her contract, but the contract she signed clearly required her to follow Catholic teachings. Ignorance about the obvious meaning of an employment contract is not sufficient to prove that she was wrongfully terminated by her religious employer. There is something mighty wrong with a judge forcing a Catholic school to pay a $100,000 penalty for firing that employee.
This federal court order conflicts with the reasoning in another case I told you about a couple of months ago. In that earlier case, the Supreme Court held that a teacher could not sue a Lutheran school for being fired because the First Amendment protected the religious liberty of the school and would "interfere with the internal government of the church." The Supreme Court correctly noted that religious freedom is at the heart of the rule that employees of a religious school should obey the rules of that denomination. It’s unfortunate that other courts haven’t yet gotten that message.
Attack on Freedom of a Catholic School
A federal court recently ordered a Catholic school in Ohio to pay $171,000 to a former employee. The employee had violated the terms of her contract by becoming pregnant outside of marriage. The employee admitted to signing a statement that required her to "act consistently in accordance with the stated philosophy and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church." So there is no doubt that she violated the terms of her employment contract and then sued for back pay and damages, and won. The former teacher did not argue that the terms of her employment contract were illegal. She simply complained that they interfered with her lifestyle. But employment conditions often interfere with a worker’s lifestyle, and no one should have a right to a job with a religious employer while violating the job contract.
The disgruntled former employee claims that she was unaware that her action violated her contract, but the contract she signed clearly required her to follow Catholic teachings. Ignorance about the obvious meaning of an employment contract is not sufficient to prove that she was wrongfully terminated by her religious employer. There is something mighty wrong with a judge forcing a Catholic school to pay a $100,000 penalty for firing that employee.
This federal court order conflicts with the reasoning in another case I told you about a couple of months ago. In that earlier case, the Supreme Court held that a teacher could not sue a Lutheran school for being fired because the First Amendment protected the religious liberty of the school and would "interfere with the internal government of the church." The Supreme Court correctly noted that religious freedom is at the heart of the rule that employees of a religious school should obey the rules of that denomination. It’s unfortunate that other courts haven’t yet gotten that message.
Attack on Freedom of a Catholic School
Friday, August 23, 2013
Five Reasons We Need the Blessed Mother

1) Although we receive the necessary graces for our salvation, we still need special graces to persevere. This is because the process of the decadence of a soul generally follows a pattern.
First, one commits acts of ingratitude that cause a retraction of grace. This causes the person in the state of grace to deteriorate slowly and stand in need of exceptional graces. When graces dwindle, one goes from one abuse to the next, until eventually falling into mortal sin.
2) Devotion to Our Lady is crucial in obtaining the necessary graces to save the soul from this process. We need an intercessor who supplements this gap with requests for additional graces, so that we might have sufficient graces for our salvation.
3) Our Lady obtains for us the graces necessary to attain salvation. The mere fact that we are devoted to her makes us pleasing to God Who is thus predisposed to answer our requests. However, human nature is so weak that we often abuse grace to such an extent that it is difficult to find those who practice sufficient fidelity to save themselves without Our Lady's intervention.
One might ask if this means that Our Lady is not the Mediatrix of all graces, but only of extraordinary graces. No, she also obtains the minimum of essential graces for us. However, our malice serves to demonstrate that we cannot persevere in the spiritual life without her full support.
Imagine a friend who is in a "state of grace," so to speak, in relation to you. In other words, he is a friend who depends completely on your kindness, and generally acts correctly toward you. However, although this friend does not commit grave faults against you, he nevertheless constantly commits small faults such as lack of courtesy, respect or affection. Of course, to the degree that he insists upon doing this, you gradually withdraw your friendship from him.
If he commits a grave fault, it is understandable that you severe your relationship with him.
This is a bit like the image of a sinner who, without losing the state of grace, almost inevitably, falls into mortal sin at a certain moment. To prevent this fall, the intercession of Our Lady is greatly needed. It is not only greatly needed, but indispensable since after a mortal sin, a person has no claim to obtain forgiveness.
Even if he were to repent, it is doubtful that God would give Heaven to a person in this state of soul without subjecting him to grave trials as a punishment for his attitude.
4) Some people suppose that death comes as an accident, a disaster outside the ways of Providence, and that God has nothing to do with death.
Man walks along the ways of the spiritual life as he so pleases, and then all of a sudden death comes and interrupts God's plans and the development of his soul. In fact, it is nothing like this at all. No hair drops from our head without God allowing it. Everything is proportional to the orientation of our spiritual life.
In fact, the moment of our death is perfectly chosen with regard to our sins and merits. Without an intercessor with the merits of Our Lady, it would be impossible to remain in the state of grace.
Imagine that a friend commits several small faults toward you, but nothing atrocious. All of a sudden he shows up asking you for a gift. Would you be ready and willing to give it? Depending on the situation, you might refuse any request on his part.
5) Our spiritual life is not a plateau next to an abyss. It is an inclined ramp, in the middle of which is a line that separates the state of grace from mortal sin. When someone is on the upper part of this ramp, he can go down without falling into mortal sin.
When a person on the upper part of the ramp commits an infidelity, God normally diminishes His graces; and with the dwindling of grace a person can fall into such a state of destitution as to be reduced to strictly indispensable grace.
When one says that venial sin leads to mortal sin, it does not mean that man lacks the sufficient grace not to fall, but that he all too often does not correspond to grace and thus falls. Human nature has a very strong penchant to abuse grace.
However, in each concrete case, man has the will to react. Man can only obtain all the necessary and opportune graces not to fall however, if he has recourse to Our Lady. And that is why we need Our Lady.
Adapted from a lecture given by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira. It has been translated and edited for publication without his revision. –Ed.
- See more at:
Blessed Mother,
Our Lady,
Plinio Correa de Oliveira
Thursday, August 22, 2013
St. Louis Planned Parenthood Rushes Woman to Hospital, Number 32

According to an eyewitness report from James Capps, an intern for the Coalition For Life St. Louis, a woman was brought out of the clinic about 10 minutes later.
Two Planned Parenthood employees tried to prevent anyone from photographing the event.
“Two [Planned Parenthood] workers...were holding a large gray screen in an attempt to shield viewers from seeing the girl. But I could still see her from my position; it was a young black girl on a stretcher covered neck to toe in white sheets,” reported Capps. “Talk about a scary, heart-wrenching experience. That is something I do not want to see again...Simply put, I was terrified for her. Please pray.”
For more information, click below
St. Louis Planned Parenthood rushes woman to hospital, 32nd Planned Parenthood victim in two years |
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Sri Lanka: Hosts Soaked in Kerosene Did Not Catch Fire
by Melani Manel Perera
Some vandals destroyed a statue of the Virgin and attempted to set fire to the shrine of St. Francis Xavier in Angulana (Archdiocese of Colombo). The consecrated hosts, however, remained intact and the faithful see this a sign from Jesus: "No one can destroy the love of Christ."

Colombo (AsiaNews) - There is growing religious intolerance in Sri Lanka: a group of unknown persons attacked the Catholic Church of St. Francis Xavier in Angulana in the Archdiocese of Colombo. The vandals destroyed an ancient statue of the Virgin, and then demolished the tabernacle: they removed it from the altar trying to set fire to the Eucharist. The incident occurred on June 5th at around 10 pm, but so far the police have not yet identified the perpetrators.
For the past several months attacks against religious minorities have been on the rise in Sri Lanka, particularly Christian and Islamic. These attacks are usually fomented by Buddhists extremist groups (Bodu Bala Sena or Sinhala Ravaya), struggling to protect the Sinhalese population and Buddhist (the majority, ed) religion. Such attacks are new to the country, where attacks occur infrequently religious roots.
The faithful of the archdiocese have been shocked by what happened. But many believe that in the midst of the raid a miracle also took place, which has refreshed and reinvigorated their faith. Although the tabernacle was found completely soaked in kerosene - police believe at least 30 liters - the consecrated hosts did not catch fire, remaining intact.
"This - say the faithful to AsiaNews - is a powerful miracle, through which Jesus is giving a message to our society and those who carry out such attacks, no one can destroy Christ and his love. Because he died, he gave up his life for us and then rose again. Nobody can do anything to him. "
Some vandals destroyed a statue of the Virgin and attempted to set fire to the shrine of St. Francis Xavier in Angulana (Archdiocese of Colombo). The consecrated hosts, however, remained intact and the faithful see this a sign from Jesus: "No one can destroy the love of Christ."

Colombo (AsiaNews) - There is growing religious intolerance in Sri Lanka: a group of unknown persons attacked the Catholic Church of St. Francis Xavier in Angulana in the Archdiocese of Colombo. The vandals destroyed an ancient statue of the Virgin, and then demolished the tabernacle: they removed it from the altar trying to set fire to the Eucharist. The incident occurred on June 5th at around 10 pm, but so far the police have not yet identified the perpetrators.
For the past several months attacks against religious minorities have been on the rise in Sri Lanka, particularly Christian and Islamic. These attacks are usually fomented by Buddhists extremist groups (Bodu Bala Sena or Sinhala Ravaya), struggling to protect the Sinhalese population and Buddhist (the majority, ed) religion. Such attacks are new to the country, where attacks occur infrequently religious roots.
The faithful of the archdiocese have been shocked by what happened. But many believe that in the midst of the raid a miracle also took place, which has refreshed and reinvigorated their faith. Although the tabernacle was found completely soaked in kerosene - police believe at least 30 liters - the consecrated hosts did not catch fire, remaining intact.
"This - say the faithful to AsiaNews - is a powerful miracle, through which Jesus is giving a message to our society and those who carry out such attacks, no one can destroy Christ and his love. Because he died, he gave up his life for us and then rose again. Nobody can do anything to him. "
Monday, August 19, 2013
Boys Answer the Call to Chivalry

The highest virtues of Catholic chivalry united dozens of boys for the annual Call to Chivalry camp at Saint Louis de Montfort Academy.

The boys' battle cry rang out across the valley: "It's better to be an eagle for a minute, than a toad for a lifetime." Suddenly, two teams clashed in a lively contest of shield ball. Other challenges included a treasure hunt, archery, skeet shooting, tomahawk throws, chess, ping-pong, swimming and a two-day hike in the Appalachian Mountains.

In addition to the taxing outdoor games, camp participants enjoyed hearing talks about the fall of the Roman Empire, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Philip Neri, the Swiss Guards, the Siege of Malta, the Battle of Lepanto, Saint John Bosco, the lives of holy Popes and the Papal Zouaves. The boys also learned how to make medieval chainmail and were treated to an illustrated demonstration on the history of the sword, from the Middle Ages to the present, by fencing master Roark Mitzell.

The virtues of chivalry are not dead or obsolete, but thriving in the hearts of many who wish to live for an ideal higher than self. In fact, just as the knights of old fought for the rights of the Church and defended the weak, the widows and orphans, the modern-day crusader must also stand up and fight for everything holy, honorable and good. Thus, putting chivalry into practice, camp participants held a peaceful and prayerful rally for the unborn at the abortion facility in Harrisburg, Penn.

With rosaries in hand, the youthful cadre took a stand. Their sense of purpose was visible. "My generation rejects abortion," read one sign. Other posters read: "Honk against abortion," and "A child is a blessing, not a disease," and "Purity is the answer."
The event culminated with Medieval Games followed by a formal banquet. "What's that trumpet blast for?" camp participants wondered. Before they could be answered, a large cake resembling Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome entered the hall. "Wow..." was on many lips. Moments later, Godfrey of Bouillon entered; his rousing speech highlighting the source of true manly courage: holy purity.
Young voices rang out in approval: "Deus Vult! Deus Vult!"
Yes, these boys answered the Call to Chivalry because God wills it.
Boys Answer the Call to Chivalry
Friday, August 16, 2013
How to make an Act of Perfect Contrition
Shortly before the outbreak of World War II, Saint Maximilian Kolbe wrote a letter to his followers.
The purpose of this letter was to exhort his disciples to prepare themselves for the approaching feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8.
But it also showed them how to receive forgiveness for sin in the coming war, where priests were scarce and it was hard to receive sacramental confession.
He wrote:
"Whoever can, should receive the Sacrament of Penance. Whoever cannot, because of prohibiting circumstances, should cleanse his soul by acts of perfect contrition: i.e., the sorrow of a loving child who does not consider so much the pain or reward as he does the pardon from his father and mother to whom he has brought displeasure."
This is a magnificent formula and lesson on how to make an act of perfect contrition.
As most people know, there are two types of contrition:
- perfect: out of love of God;
- imperfect: out of fear of Hell.
Catholic teaching distinguishes a twofold hatred of sin; one, perfect contrition, rises from the love of God Who has been grievously offended; the other, imperfect contrition, arises principally from some other motives, such as loss of heaven, fear of hell, the heinousness of sin, etc. (Council of Trent, Sess. XIV, ch. iv de Contritione). (The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Contrition")
When we go to confession, imperfect contrition is sufficient to receive the pardon of our sins.
However, in extraordinary circumstances where [when] we cannot get to confession, we can make an act of perfect contrition, which is sufficient to have our sins forgiven.
Important: The act of perfect contrition includes the desire for the sacrament of Penance (or Reconciliation) and the intention to receive sacramental confession at the very first opportunity.
NOTE: One who is conscious of mortal sin may not receive the Holy Eucharist without prior sacramental confession.
The fact that we can always make an act of perfect contrition, in any circumstance, and at any time, is very consoling and very important to remember.
Especially when we think of our troops who are in harm's way. They may not have a chaplain in their battalion before entering battle. In that case, they should always say an act of perfect contrition.
Actually, not only in extraordinary circumstances should we make acts of perfect contrition. At any time, if we have the misfortune of committing a mortal sin, we should seek to reconcile ourselves with God as soon as possible by an act of perfect contrition, before going to confession.
Furthermore, even not being guilty of serious sin, we should make frequent acts of perfect contrition to ask forgiveness for the serious sins of the past, and for the venial sins of the present.
In doing so, we show our love for God. And we prove our aversion to sin, which offends Him. In doing so, we surely receive more abundant graces to sin no more. A highly recommended practice is to include an act of contrition in our "before bed" prayers.
Act of Contrition
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.
- See more at:
Shortly before the outbreak of World War II, Saint Maximilian Kolbe wrote a letter to his followers.The purpose of this letter was to exhort his disciples to prepare themselves for the approaching feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8.
But it also showed them how to receive forgiveness for sin in the coming war, where priests were scarce and it was hard to receive sacramental confession.
He wrote:
"Whoever can, should receive the Sacrament of Penance. Whoever cannot, because of prohibiting circumstances, should cleanse his soul by acts of perfect contrition: i.e., the sorrow of a loving child who does not consider so much the pain or reward as he does the pardon from his father and mother to whom he has brought displeasure."
This is a magnificent formula and lesson on how to make an act of perfect contrition.
As most people know, there are two types of contrition:
- perfect: out of love of God;
- imperfect: out of fear of Hell.
Catholic teaching distinguishes a twofold hatred of sin; one, perfect contrition, rises from the love of God Who has been grievously offended; the other, imperfect contrition, arises principally from some other motives, such as loss of heaven, fear of hell, the heinousness of sin, etc. (Council of Trent, Sess. XIV, ch. iv de Contritione). (The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Contrition")
When we go to confession, imperfect contrition is sufficient to receive the pardon of our sins.
However, in extraordinary circumstances where [when] we cannot get to confession, we can make an act of perfect contrition, which is sufficient to have our sins forgiven.
Important: The act of perfect contrition includes the desire for the sacrament of Penance (or Reconciliation) and the intention to receive sacramental confession at the very first opportunity.
NOTE: One who is conscious of mortal sin may not receive the Holy Eucharist without prior sacramental confession.
The fact that we can always make an act of perfect contrition, in any circumstance, and at any time, is very consoling and very important to remember.
Especially when we think of our troops who are in harm's way. They may not have a chaplain in their battalion before entering battle. In that case, they should always say an act of perfect contrition.
Actually, not only in extraordinary circumstances should we make acts of perfect contrition. At any time, if we have the misfortune of committing a mortal sin, we should seek to reconcile ourselves with God as soon as possible by an act of perfect contrition, before going to confession.
Furthermore, even not being guilty of serious sin, we should make frequent acts of perfect contrition to ask forgiveness for the serious sins of the past, and for the venial sins of the present.
In doing so, we show our love for God. And we prove our aversion to sin, which offends Him. In doing so, we surely receive more abundant graces to sin no more. A highly recommended practice is to include an act of contrition in our "before bed" prayers.
Act of Contrition
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.
- See more at:
The purpose of this letter was to exhort his disciples to prepare themselves for the approaching feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8.
But it also showed them how to receive forgiveness for sin in the coming war, where priests were scarce and it was hard to receive sacramental confession.
He wrote:
"Whoever can, should receive the Sacrament of Penance. Whoever cannot, because of prohibiting circumstances, should cleanse his soul by acts of perfect contrition: i.e., the sorrow of a loving child who does not consider so much the pain or reward as he does the pardon from his father and mother to whom he has brought displeasure."
This is a magnificent formula and lesson on how to make an act of perfect contrition.
As most people know, there are two types of contrition:
- perfect: out of love of God;
- imperfect: out of fear of Hell.
Catholic teaching distinguishes a twofold hatred of sin; one, perfect contrition, rises from the love of God Who has been grievously offended; the other, imperfect contrition, arises principally from some other motives, such as loss of heaven, fear of hell, the heinousness of sin, etc. (Council of Trent, Sess. XIV, ch. iv de Contritione). (The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Contrition")
When we go to confession, imperfect contrition is sufficient to receive the pardon of our sins.
However, in extraordinary circumstances where [when] we cannot get to confession, we can make an act of perfect contrition, which is sufficient to have our sins forgiven.
Important: The act of perfect contrition includes the desire for the sacrament of Penance (or Reconciliation) and the intention to receive sacramental confession at the very first opportunity.
NOTE: One who is conscious of mortal sin may not receive the Holy Eucharist without prior sacramental confession.
The fact that we can always make an act of perfect contrition, in any circumstance, and at any time, is very consoling and very important to remember.
Especially when we think of our troops who are in harm's way. They may not have a chaplain in their battalion before entering battle. In that case, they should always say an act of perfect contrition.
Actually, not only in extraordinary circumstances should we make acts of perfect contrition. At any time, if we have the misfortune of committing a mortal sin, we should seek to reconcile ourselves with God as soon as possible by an act of perfect contrition, before going to confession.
Furthermore, even not being guilty of serious sin, we should make frequent acts of perfect contrition to ask forgiveness for the serious sins of the past, and for the venial sins of the present.
In doing so, we show our love for God. And we prove our aversion to sin, which offends Him. In doing so, we surely receive more abundant graces to sin no more. A highly recommended practice is to include an act of contrition in our "before bed" prayers.
Act of Contrition
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.
Shortly before the outbreak of World War II, Saint Maximilian Kolbe wrote a letter to his followers.
The purpose of this letter was to exhort his disciples to prepare themselves for the approaching feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8.
But it also showed them how to receive forgiveness for sin in the coming war, where priests were scarce and it was hard to receive sacramental confession.
He wrote:
"Whoever can, should receive the Sacrament of Penance. Whoever cannot, because of prohibiting circumstances, should cleanse his soul by acts of perfect contrition: i.e., the sorrow of a loving child who does not consider so much the pain or reward as he does the pardon from his father and mother to whom he has brought displeasure."
This is a magnificent formula and lesson on how to make an act of perfect contrition.
As most people know, there are two types of contrition:
- perfect: out of love of God;
- imperfect: out of fear of Hell.
Catholic teaching distinguishes a twofold hatred of sin; one, perfect contrition, rises from the love of God Who has been grievously offended; the other, imperfect contrition, arises principally from some other motives, such as loss of heaven, fear of hell, the heinousness of sin, etc. (Council of Trent, Sess. XIV, ch. iv de Contritione). (The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Contrition")
When we go to confession, imperfect contrition is sufficient to receive the pardon of our sins.
However, in extraordinary circumstances where [when] we cannot get to confession, we can make an act of perfect contrition, which is sufficient to have our sins forgiven.
Important: The act of perfect contrition includes the desire for the sacrament of Penance (or Reconciliation) and the intention to receive sacramental confession at the very first opportunity.
NOTE: One who is conscious of mortal sin may not receive the Holy Eucharist without prior sacramental confession.
The fact that we can always make an act of perfect contrition, in any circumstance, and at any time, is very consoling and very important to remember.
Especially when we think of our troops who are in harm's way. They may not have a chaplain in their battalion before entering battle. In that case, they should always say an act of perfect contrition.
Actually, not only in extraordinary circumstances should we make acts of perfect contrition. At any time, if we have the misfortune of committing a mortal sin, we should seek to reconcile ourselves with God as soon as possible by an act of perfect contrition, before going to confession.
Furthermore, even not being guilty of serious sin, we should make frequent acts of perfect contrition to ask forgiveness for the serious sins of the past, and for the venial sins of the present.
In doing so, we show our love for God. And we prove our aversion to sin, which offends Him. In doing so, we surely receive more abundant graces to sin no more. A highly recommended practice is to include an act of contrition in our "before bed" prayers.
Act of Contrition
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.
- See more at:
The purpose of this letter was to exhort his disciples to prepare themselves for the approaching feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8.
But it also showed them how to receive forgiveness for sin in the coming war, where priests were scarce and it was hard to receive sacramental confession.
He wrote:
"Whoever can, should receive the Sacrament of Penance. Whoever cannot, because of prohibiting circumstances, should cleanse his soul by acts of perfect contrition: i.e., the sorrow of a loving child who does not consider so much the pain or reward as he does the pardon from his father and mother to whom he has brought displeasure."
This is a magnificent formula and lesson on how to make an act of perfect contrition.
As most people know, there are two types of contrition:
- perfect: out of love of God;
- imperfect: out of fear of Hell.
Catholic teaching distinguishes a twofold hatred of sin; one, perfect contrition, rises from the love of God Who has been grievously offended; the other, imperfect contrition, arises principally from some other motives, such as loss of heaven, fear of hell, the heinousness of sin, etc. (Council of Trent, Sess. XIV, ch. iv de Contritione). (The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Contrition")
When we go to confession, imperfect contrition is sufficient to receive the pardon of our sins.
However, in extraordinary circumstances where [when] we cannot get to confession, we can make an act of perfect contrition, which is sufficient to have our sins forgiven.
Important: The act of perfect contrition includes the desire for the sacrament of Penance (or Reconciliation) and the intention to receive sacramental confession at the very first opportunity.
NOTE: One who is conscious of mortal sin may not receive the Holy Eucharist without prior sacramental confession.
The fact that we can always make an act of perfect contrition, in any circumstance, and at any time, is very consoling and very important to remember.
Especially when we think of our troops who are in harm's way. They may not have a chaplain in their battalion before entering battle. In that case, they should always say an act of perfect contrition.
Actually, not only in extraordinary circumstances should we make acts of perfect contrition. At any time, if we have the misfortune of committing a mortal sin, we should seek to reconcile ourselves with God as soon as possible by an act of perfect contrition, before going to confession.
Furthermore, even not being guilty of serious sin, we should make frequent acts of perfect contrition to ask forgiveness for the serious sins of the past, and for the venial sins of the present.
In doing so, we show our love for God. And we prove our aversion to sin, which offends Him. In doing so, we surely receive more abundant graces to sin no more. A highly recommended practice is to include an act of contrition in our "before bed" prayers.
Act of Contrition
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.
- See more at:
Shortly before the outbreak of World War II, Saint Maximilian Kolbe wrote a letter to his followers.
The purpose of this letter was to exhort his disciples to prepare themselves for the approaching feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8.
But it also showed them how to receive forgiveness for sin in the coming war, where priests were scarce and it was hard to receive sacramental confession.
He wrote:
"Whoever can, should receive the Sacrament of Penance. Whoever cannot, because of prohibiting circumstances, should cleanse his soul by acts of perfect contrition: i.e., the sorrow of a loving child who does not consider so much the pain or reward as he does the pardon from his father and mother to whom he has brought displeasure."
This is a magnificent formula and lesson on how to make an act of perfect contrition.
As most people know, there are two types of contrition:
- perfect: out of love of God;
- imperfect: out of fear of Hell.
Catholic teaching distinguishes a twofold hatred of sin; one, perfect contrition, rises from the love of God Who has been grievously offended; the other, imperfect contrition, arises principally from some other motives, such as loss of heaven, fear of hell, the heinousness of sin, etc. (Council of Trent, Sess. XIV, ch. iv de Contritione). (The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Contrition")
When we go to confession, imperfect contrition is sufficient to receive the pardon of our sins.
However, in extraordinary circumstances where [when] we cannot get to confession, we can make an act of perfect contrition, which is sufficient to have our sins forgiven.
Important: The act of perfect contrition includes the desire for the sacrament of Penance (or Reconciliation) and the intention to receive sacramental confession at the very first opportunity.
NOTE: One who is conscious of mortal sin may not receive the Holy Eucharist without prior sacramental confession.
The fact that we can always make an act of perfect contrition, in any circumstance, and at any time, is very consoling and very important to remember.
Especially when we think of our troops who are in harm's way. They may not have a chaplain in their battalion before entering battle. In that case, they should always say an act of perfect contrition.
Actually, not only in extraordinary circumstances should we make acts of perfect contrition. At any time, if we have the misfortune of committing a mortal sin, we should seek to reconcile ourselves with God as soon as possible by an act of perfect contrition, before going to confession.
Furthermore, even not being guilty of serious sin, we should make frequent acts of perfect contrition to ask forgiveness for the serious sins of the past, and for the venial sins of the present.
In doing so, we show our love for God. And we prove our aversion to sin, which offends Him. In doing so, we surely receive more abundant graces to sin no more. A highly recommended practice is to include an act of contrition in our "before bed" prayers.
Act of Contrition
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.
- See more at:
The purpose of this letter was to exhort his disciples to prepare themselves for the approaching feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8.
But it also showed them how to receive forgiveness for sin in the coming war, where priests were scarce and it was hard to receive sacramental confession.
He wrote:
"Whoever can, should receive the Sacrament of Penance. Whoever cannot, because of prohibiting circumstances, should cleanse his soul by acts of perfect contrition: i.e., the sorrow of a loving child who does not consider so much the pain or reward as he does the pardon from his father and mother to whom he has brought displeasure."
This is a magnificent formula and lesson on how to make an act of perfect contrition.
As most people know, there are two types of contrition:
- perfect: out of love of God;
- imperfect: out of fear of Hell.
Catholic teaching distinguishes a twofold hatred of sin; one, perfect contrition, rises from the love of God Who has been grievously offended; the other, imperfect contrition, arises principally from some other motives, such as loss of heaven, fear of hell, the heinousness of sin, etc. (Council of Trent, Sess. XIV, ch. iv de Contritione). (The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Contrition")
When we go to confession, imperfect contrition is sufficient to receive the pardon of our sins.
However, in extraordinary circumstances where [when] we cannot get to confession, we can make an act of perfect contrition, which is sufficient to have our sins forgiven.
Important: The act of perfect contrition includes the desire for the sacrament of Penance (or Reconciliation) and the intention to receive sacramental confession at the very first opportunity.
NOTE: One who is conscious of mortal sin may not receive the Holy Eucharist without prior sacramental confession.
The fact that we can always make an act of perfect contrition, in any circumstance, and at any time, is very consoling and very important to remember.
Especially when we think of our troops who are in harm's way. They may not have a chaplain in their battalion before entering battle. In that case, they should always say an act of perfect contrition.
Actually, not only in extraordinary circumstances should we make acts of perfect contrition. At any time, if we have the misfortune of committing a mortal sin, we should seek to reconcile ourselves with God as soon as possible by an act of perfect contrition, before going to confession.
Furthermore, even not being guilty of serious sin, we should make frequent acts of perfect contrition to ask forgiveness for the serious sins of the past, and for the venial sins of the present.
In doing so, we show our love for God. And we prove our aversion to sin, which offends Him. In doing so, we surely receive more abundant graces to sin no more. A highly recommended practice is to include an act of contrition in our "before bed" prayers.
Act of Contrition
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.
- See more at:
How to make an Act of Perfect Contrition
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Irish Catholic hospital not allowed to opt out of abortion requirement: government |
by Hilary White
Mater Hospital is one of the 25 institutions named in the so-called “Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act” where abortions must be carried out. Fr. Kevin Doran, a board member of Mater said, “The issue is broader than just abortion. What’s happening is the Minister is saying hospitals are not entitled to have an ethos.”
Mater Misericordiae Hospital
“The Mater can’t carry out abortions because it goes against its ethos. I would be very concerned that the Minister [for Health, James Reilly] sees fit to make it impossible for hospitals to have their own ethos.
“The issue is broader than just abortion. What’s happening is the Minister is saying hospitals are not entitled to have an ethos.”
An official with the Department of Health, however, has responded that the right to conscientious objection does not apply to institutions: “While the legislation does provide such a right to an individual, it does not apply to a hospital.”
Irish Catholic hospital not allowed to opt out of abortion requirement: government |
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Growing up in big families reduces divorce rate, study finds |

The Duggar Family, the United States' most famous large family.
The study’s researchers say that with every additional sibling, up to seven siblings, a child’s risk for being divorced as an adult is reduced by two percent. More siblings than that didn't provide additional protection, although they did not hurt, either.
"Growing up in a family with siblings, you develop a set of skills for negotiating both negative and positive interactions,” Downey said. “You have to consider other people's points of view (and) learn how to talk through problems.”
“The more siblings you have, the more opportunities you have to practice those skills," Downey said in a press release.
He offered another explanation his study’s findings, saying, “It could have been that small families are more likely to have a single parent, or have some other issue that may hurt children in their future marriage relationship."
The study, which is based on interviews with about 57,000 adults between 1972 and 2012 collected for the General Social Survey, will be presented to the American Sociological Association today.
Growing up in big families reduces divorce rate, study finds |
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
SIGN PROTEST: Pro-abortion group enjoys full recognition at the Catholic University
Sign your protest to stop the pro-abortion club at USD
Hiding behind a euphemistic name, Law Students for Reproductive Justice (LSRJ) is notorious for promoting the pro-abortion agenda. Its mission in the public policy arena is designed to broaden worldwide access to surgical abortion, contraception and sex education. With activist chapters on dozens of college campuses, the group works in concert with Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and abortion doctors who routinely kill unborn children.
Late-term abortionist Dr. LeRoy H. Carhart, for example, was a key-note speaker at the Law Students for Reproductive Justice's 2013 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. In one of LiveAction's undercover videos, Carhart explains how he kills unborn babies by lethal injection: "It's like putting meat in a crock pot," he said.
"Justice" in this context is nothing but a gross injustice.
However, after I expressed my concern about the LSRJ club's pro-abortion presence at the Catholic University of San Diego, I received a troubling reply from Dr. Timothy L. O'Malley, vice-president of university relations. In short he attempted to justify the club's existence: "The fostering of legal expertise in all aspects of the law is consistent with the educational objectives of the USD School of Law," he wrote.
But the truth is this: abortion advocacy is never consistent with Catholic education.
Since the Law Students for Reproductive Justice promotes the culture of death, it seems quite disingenuous to justify their presence on a Catholic campus as a form of "legal expertise." No club that promotes abortion should ever be given recognition by a Catholic university.
Sign your protest to stop the pro-abortion club at USD
Pro-abortion group enjoys full recognition at the Catholic University of San Diego
Hiding behind a euphemistic name, Law Students for Reproductive Justice (LSRJ) is notorious for promoting the pro-abortion agenda. Its mission in the public policy arena is designed to broaden worldwide access to surgical abortion, contraception and sex education. With activist chapters on dozens of college campuses, the group works in concert with Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and abortion doctors who routinely kill unborn children.
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This screen shot from LSRJ's own facebook page shows LSRJ members posing with late-term abortion Dr. LeRoy Carhart. |
Late-term abortionist Dr. LeRoy H. Carhart, for example, was a key-note speaker at the Law Students for Reproductive Justice's 2013 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. In one of LiveAction's undercover videos, Carhart explains how he kills unborn babies by lethal injection: "It's like putting meat in a crock pot," he said.
"Justice" in this context is nothing but a gross injustice.
However, after I expressed my concern about the LSRJ club's pro-abortion presence at the Catholic University of San Diego, I received a troubling reply from Dr. Timothy L. O'Malley, vice-president of university relations. In short he attempted to justify the club's existence: "The fostering of legal expertise in all aspects of the law is consistent with the educational objectives of the USD School of Law," he wrote.
But the truth is this: abortion advocacy is never consistent with Catholic education.
Since the Law Students for Reproductive Justice promotes the culture of death, it seems quite disingenuous to justify their presence on a Catholic campus as a form of "legal expertise." No club that promotes abortion should ever be given recognition by a Catholic university.
Sign your protest to stop the pro-abortion club at USD
Pro-abortion group enjoys full recognition at the Catholic University of San Diego
Monday, August 12, 2013
India Declares Dolphins to Be Non-human Persons - English

Cetaceans should be regarded as non-human persons with their own rights and therefore it is morally unacceptable to keep them in captivity - this is the new ruling by the Government of India, which in a landmark decision has taken an important first step in establishing global animal welfare rights.
The decision was taken by India's Minister of the Environment and Forests, who banned dolphin shows. All Indian states have been warned by the Government to reject proposals to hold dolphin shows or open dolphinariums, be these requests public or private.
The Central Animal Authority issued the following statement: "Cetaceans...should be seen as 'non-human persons' and as such should have their own specific rights." The direct result is that dolphin parks which have opened recently in India will close and proposals for new ones will be shelved. The move makes it illegal to capture or confine cetacean species, which include whales and dolphins, the reasoning being that these animals are highly intelligent and sensitive.
India thus takes an important first step in establishing a universal code of animal ethics and rights. The heroine in this ruling is Puja Mitra, a leading Indian animal rights activist, whose research drive focused on, and introduced, the concept of non-human persons. Other countries to have banned the use of cetaceans for entertainment are Costa Rica, Hungary and Chile.
The work of marine scientist Lori Marino has revealed that cetaceans have large brains and complex behavior and advanced, intricate systems of communication and cognition.
India: Dolphins declared non-human persons - English
Friday, August 9, 2013
Catholic Hospitals Must Have Relationship with Abortionists or Violate Federal Law: Wisconsin AG
by Ben Johnson
August 7, 2013 ( – Any Catholic hospital that refuses to grant admitting privileges to an abortionist would "be in active violation of federal law," according to a court brief filed by Wisconsin Attorney General J. B. Van Hollen last week.U.S. law "provides that hospitals accepting federal funds may not discriminate against a physician because that physician has participated in or refused to participate in abortions," it states.
Under a new law signed by Governor Scott Walker, abortionists must have admitting privileges within 30 miles of their abortion office.
Three Catholic hospitals – Columbia-Saint Mary’s, the Hospital Sisters’ Health System, and Wheaton Franciscan Health-care – had indicated, due to the tenets of their faith, they would not grant such privileges.
The Wisconsin Department of Justice holds that any facility that receives federal funds would lose all such money if it refused to allow abortionists to admit the victims of botched procedures.
Planned Parenthood has stated at least seven of its abortionists are seeking such rights.
Last Friday, U.S. District Judge William Conley granted a preliminary injunction against the state law until November on the grounds that it would impose an undue burden on women by closing abortion facilities.
Conley, an Obama appointee, ruled the law provided "substantial likelihood" of causing "irreparable harm" to women by closing abortion offices in Madison and Appleton, forcing women to drive farther to procure the procedure.
Presently, 71 percent of women nationwide drive 25 miles or less to procure an abortion. The median distance to an abortion clinic is 15 miles.
The state filed an appeal of Conley's injunction with the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
The Mysterious Case of the "Angel Priest" in Missouri
Pinned inside her mangled Mercedes, seriously injured and fading fast, Katie Lentz turned to her rescuers on the lonely open stretch of Missouri highway and asked them to pray.
Struck head-on by a drunk driver on Sunday morning, emergency workers had been battling for an hour and a half to free Lentz, but to no avail.
See this impressive video (skip the ad) Click here
But as they joined hands a Catholic priest appeared, even though there were no bystanders and the road was blocked, who offered a prayer and an instruction to the rescuers that they would now be able to free her.
Suddenly, heavy equipment needed to cut through the metal arrived from a nearby town and Lentz was pulled from the wreck in time to be saved - but when they turned to thank the priest, he was gone.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Any Doubts that Our Culture is Becoming Anti-Catholic?
The caption said that "Papa Emeritus II" of the Swedish band Ghost BC performs at Grand Park on August 2 in Chicago. This is not an isolated example but part of a growing number of rock music groups that are increasingly promoting anti-Catholic themes, lyrics and imagery.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Video: Fighting abortion in Texas (Front line footage)
Under the patronage of Saint Michael the Archangel to whom the tour for the unborn was dedicated, a group of twelve young TFP volunteers arrived in Austin, Texas, on July 14. Their mission: Oppose abortion, visit as many cities as possible, and hold rallies in defense of the right to life.
After studying the issue and testing our ability to tackle pro-abortion arguments with mock debates, we were all ready for action, equipped with a large 14-foot banner that reads: "Abortion kills babies," and posters asking drivers to "Honk against abortion." A bagpiper kept our morale high with live music and we distributed a considerable number of 10 Reasons Why Abortion is Evil leaflets.
Video: Fighting abortion in Texas (Front line footage)
Saturday, August 3, 2013
An Irish Return to Order
Written by John Horvat II
Dublin’s Buswell Hotel seemed a fitting place to launch the book, Return to Order. The atmosphere inside the conference room that July 25, was restrained, somewhat formal yet also inviting. Buswell’s is a traditional hotel right in the city center with the Parliament building just across the street and Trinity College nearby. One could almost expect to find Edmond Burke, a famous 19th century alumni, to walk in from the rain to join in the discussion. At the back of the room were the omnipresent tea and biscuits that remain a faithful companion for any social or family occasion in Ireland.
Buswell’s was the most representative stop on the short whirlwind book signing tour throughout Ireland. It hosted a varied group that was comprised of Catholic students, conservative leaders and pro-life activists who were polite, passionate and intense. Topics of conversation revolved around the present economic crisis and especially what the book describes as frenetic intemperance. This reckless spirit inside certain economic sectors seeks to throw off all restraints and gratify all passions. Many Irish can relate to frenetic intemperance since their famous “Celtic tiger” economy imploded in 2007 and their economy has yet to recover. Another topic that took center stage in discussions was the machine-like aspect of modern economy, especially as it applied to the massive regulations being imposed upon Ireland by the European Union.
Traveling across Ireland, one still perceives the social ties that bind. There is that sense of family where everyone still knows most locals that helps reinforce a strong regional identity that is refreshing and reassuring. Organic Christian society still lingers on in many places and a call to return to this order was very well received.
Perhaps it was the book’s emphasis on organic Christian society that resonated the most among our Irish friends. Ireland is still a nation very much rooted in family, community and the Catholic Faith. They are concerned about modernity’s corrosive influnece on the culture and Catholicism. Indeed, at the time of the launching, a grueling debate over abortion polarized the nation and unleashed 60,000 protesters in the streets in this nation of 4.5 million.

It was, however, talking with the Irish that one comes to really understand Ireland. At Buswell’s, the presentation of the book ended with an animated discussion that revealed a great deal about the strong personality of the Irish. Questions and commentaries created a convivial and refreshing atmosphere for the exchange of ideas and opinions. Later over tea and biscuits, the conversation continued yet a few more hours.
Perhaps the point that touches a visitor the most is the profound Catholic spirit of the Irish that could be seen everywhere during this whirlwind tour. There is no denying that the nation has suffered, like all nations, from the crisis inisde the Church and society. Vibrant signs of the ancient Faith are still apparent everywhere including many impressive churches, the ruins of monasteries and the roadside shrines. More importantly, the Faith is found in the hearts and souls of the Irish oppressed by today’s secular society, waiting to be free from the yoke of secular humanism.
An Irish Return to Order | Return to Order
Dublin’s Buswell Hotel seemed a fitting place to launch the book, Return to Order. The atmosphere inside the conference room that July 25, was restrained, somewhat formal yet also inviting. Buswell’s is a traditional hotel right in the city center with the Parliament building just across the street and Trinity College nearby. One could almost expect to find Edmond Burke, a famous 19th century alumni, to walk in from the rain to join in the discussion. At the back of the room were the omnipresent tea and biscuits that remain a faithful companion for any social or family occasion in Ireland.
Buswell’s was the most representative stop on the short whirlwind book signing tour throughout Ireland. It hosted a varied group that was comprised of Catholic students, conservative leaders and pro-life activists who were polite, passionate and intense. Topics of conversation revolved around the present economic crisis and especially what the book describes as frenetic intemperance. This reckless spirit inside certain economic sectors seeks to throw off all restraints and gratify all passions. Many Irish can relate to frenetic intemperance since their famous “Celtic tiger” economy imploded in 2007 and their economy has yet to recover. Another topic that took center stage in discussions was the machine-like aspect of modern economy, especially as it applied to the massive regulations being imposed upon Ireland by the European Union.

Traveling across Ireland, one still perceives the social ties that bind. There is that sense of family where everyone still knows most locals that helps reinforce a strong regional identity that is refreshing and reassuring. Organic Christian society still lingers on in many places and a call to return to this order was very well received.
Perhaps it was the book’s emphasis on organic Christian society that resonated the most among our Irish friends. Ireland is still a nation very much rooted in family, community and the Catholic Faith. They are concerned about modernity’s corrosive influnece on the culture and Catholicism. Indeed, at the time of the launching, a grueling debate over abortion polarized the nation and unleashed 60,000 protesters in the streets in this nation of 4.5 million.

It was, however, talking with the Irish that one comes to really understand Ireland. At Buswell’s, the presentation of the book ended with an animated discussion that revealed a great deal about the strong personality of the Irish. Questions and commentaries created a convivial and refreshing atmosphere for the exchange of ideas and opinions. Later over tea and biscuits, the conversation continued yet a few more hours.
Perhaps the point that touches a visitor the most is the profound Catholic spirit of the Irish that could be seen everywhere during this whirlwind tour. There is no denying that the nation has suffered, like all nations, from the crisis inisde the Church and society. Vibrant signs of the ancient Faith are still apparent everywhere including many impressive churches, the ruins of monasteries and the roadside shrines. More importantly, the Faith is found in the hearts and souls of the Irish oppressed by today’s secular society, waiting to be free from the yoke of secular humanism.
An Irish Return to Order | Return to Order
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