Written by John Horvat |
As I sat down in the train for the final leg of my trip to Lourdes, I could not help but reflect that this was a trip repeated so many times by tens of millions of pilgrims from all over the world over the last 150 years. They had made this same trip. They have embarked with similar expectations. Upon writing down my impressions, I was tempted to think that my account would be of little value, since my story has already been told so many times before. |
Friday, July 31, 2009
The Allure of Lourdes
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Amazing Video of Eucharistic Miracle in Argentina
Please watch the entire video.
It shows that the Eucharist is Our Lord. It's scientific!
This is why we always protest videos on YouTube that show Eucharistic desecrations and also why we promote acts of public reparation against the blasphemies perpetrated against Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Report from the Saint Joseph Terror of Demons Caravan
by Norman Fulkerson
The following report recounts the adventures of a group of nine young men who are campaigning on the streets of the State of New York for traditional marriage.
"Finally someone has common sense."
There was a "gay" pride parade last weekend here in town. I can't imagine how the public accepted that because the response from the general public today was overwhelmingly positive.
A police officer stopped early in the campaign and seemed very favorable. He gave his cell phone number and told us to call him if we had any trouble. Several other police cruisers honked when passing through our intersection.
One lady passed and said "Finally someone has common sense."
She took a flier and added "they are going to know [what is right] when they meet the Lord." A little while later another lady crossed the same sidewalk and simulated a honk. She then turned to the intersection and shouted to the drivers of the cars, "Honk your horns, honk your horns!"
Pedestrians simulating horns is not an uncommon thing in these campaigns, but we had one today that was the most amusing I have seen so far. It was from a very picturesque black lady wearing a bright orange shirt. She stopped on the opposite side walk, looked over the campaign, and began jumping up and down yelling "Honk!" She was so loud she could be heard on all four corners of the intersection. She then walked across the street with a big smile on her face, jumping up and down and waving at us in support as she continued to honk her imaginary horn.
"You are gaining many blessings... "and a crown in heaven."
A Puerto Rican took a flier and I wanted to make sure she understood what we were doing so I explained that we are defending traditional marriage. She pointed to the happy newlyweds on the cover of our flier and said, "Marriage is between one man and one woman. It's not between one man and one man. That's nasty."
Moments later a very sympathetic black lady passed. "Keep on doing what you are doing, you are gaining many blessings." She then pointed to the sky and added "you are gaining many crowns and they [who practice homosexuality] are going to get AIDS."
A man took the flier after I said "defend traditional marriage". He responded, "I believe in traditional marriage, it's in the Good Book." Right after he passed a women hesitated before taking a flier and asked, "is that for marriage". After I responded that it was she said, "but is that traditional marriage" to which I again responded yes. She then smilingly took the flier and said, "I am honking."
Counter Protesters, Spittle and an Unjustified Parking Ticket
Towards the end of the campaign a group of 7 or 8 young people came and began screaming slogans on the opposite corner to ours. Mr. Charles Sulzen had stopped playing his bagpipes at that point but quickly started anew. Right as he began one of the girls attempted to scream but was drowned out by the instrument.
Two squad cars came immediately and the officers spoke with them for a long time. We were about to close up campaign when, to our surprise, the whole group crossed the street right in front of the police officers and stood right in front of our campaign and began provoking our people. As is our custom we said nothing in response but I motioned for the police officers on the opposite street corners to do something about their provocative presence.
The officers finally came to our side of the street. I could not help but ask them the logic of allowing such a rowdy group to come to our side of the street. The officer informed me that he told them they could cross as long as they didn't say anything to us. The whole scene made no sense but I let the officer know that I did not understand what had just occurred considering we are always peaceful and legal whereas their attitude was insulting and very aggressive.
By the grace of God they only stayed some minutes before crossing to the other side of the street. The honks were deafening which might have been the reason they could not tolerate being in our presence any longer. Their aggression only served to confirm the convictions of those who passed and caused them to take a flier when they might not have otherwise.
We immediately prayed to finish and the officers thanked us for a peaceful campaign. When we arrived to our car we found a disturbing sight. We were issued a parking ticket in spite of the fact that we had another hour left on the meter which we photographed for evidence. It was obvious by the disgusting spittle on the driver side window why we were given a ticket.
In the afternoon we did a campaign in Palmyra, NY, and received a lot of support in this very sleepy town as well.
Contact the Caravan
To contact the caravan, email them at tfp@tfp.org This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
How to Support the Caravan
If you want to help protect the sacred institution of marriage, please consider filling our van's gas tank with fuel and keep us on the road for traditional marriage.
If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to The American TFP and mail it to:
The American TFP
P.O. Box 251
Spring Grove, PA 17362.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A Prayer to Our Guardian Angel

By St. Charles Borremeo
My good Angel: I know not when or how I shall die. It is possible I may be carried off suddenly, and that before my last sigh I may be deprived of all intelligence. Yet how many things I would wish to say to God on the threshold of eternity. In the full freedom of my will today, I come to charge you to speak for me at that fearful moment. You will say to Him, then, O my good Angel:
That I wish to die in the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church in which all the saints since Jesus Christ have died, and out of which there is no salvation.
That I ask the grace of sharing in the infinite merits of my Redeemer and that I desire to die in pressing to my lips the cross that was bathed in His Blood.
That I detest my sins because they displease Him, and that I pardon through love of Him all my enemies as I wish myself to be pardoned.
That I die willingly because He orders it and that I throw myself with confidence into His adorable Heart awaiting all His Mercy.
That in my inexpressible desire to go to Heaven I am disposed to suffer everything it may please His sovereign Justice to inflict on me.
That I love Him before all things, above all things and for His own sake; that I wish and hope to love Him with the Elect, His Angels and the Blessed Mother during all Eternity.
Do not refuse, O my Angel, to be my interpreter with God, and to protest to Him that these are my sentiments and my will. Amen
Monday, July 20, 2009
The prayer of a Catholic Statesman
Friday, July 17, 2009
St. Thomas More on Love

After a trial of such spectacular injustice, what stood out above everything else was More's unshakeable serenity and good humor. Even at the close of his trial, when he was asked for his final statement, he prayed that all who opposed him at the trial might continue as his "friends forever" and that they might "yet hereafter in heaven merrily all meet together." We find this same gracious sentiment interspersed throughout the prayers and instructions which he wrote at the end of his life. In one of these final instructions, More presents a logical argument for treating enemies well:
"Bear no malice or evil will to any man living . For either the man is good or wicked. If he is good and I hate him, then I am wicked.
If he is wicked, either he will amend and die good and go to God, or live wickedly and die wickedly and go to the devil. And then let me remember that if he be saved, he will not fail (if I am saved too, as I trust to be) to love me very heartily and I shall then in like manner love him.
And why should I now, then, hate one for this while who shall hereafter love me forever, and why should I be now, then, an enemy to him with whom I shall in time be coupled in eternal friendship? And on the other side, if he will continue to be wicked and be damned, then is there such outrageous eternal sorrow before him that I may well think myself a deadly cruel wretch if I would not now rather pity his pain than malign his person."
Thursday, July 16, 2009
America, Choose Your Weapon.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Prayer to St. Joseph

Monday, July 13, 2009
Redemption by Science and Technology: The Revolutionary Utopia
By Plinio Correa de Oliveira
In one way or another, whether placing all its confidence in the individual alone, the masses, or the State, it is in man that the Revolution trusts.
Man, self-sufficient thanks to science and technology, can resolve all his problems, eliminate pain, poverty, ignorance, insecurity, in short, everything we refer to as the effect of Original or actual sin.
The utopia toward which the Revolution is leading us is a world whose countries, united in a universal republic, are but geographic designations, a world with neither social nor economic inequalities, run by science and technology, by propaganda and psychology, in order to attain, without the supernatural, the definitive happiness of man.
In such a world, the Redemption by Our Lord Jesus Christ has no place, for man will have overcome evil with science and will have made the earth a technologically delightful paradise. And he will hope to overcome death one day by the indefinite prolongation of life.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Battle for England's Soul
During summer vacation, students from the TFP-staffed St. Louis de Montfort Academy are busy. This video shows them passing out leaflets in street campaigns in defense of traditional family values. This is a video done by one of the students.
Other students will be attending a student camp in Ireland next week. Still others are at the Call to Chivalry camp in Louisiana.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Michael Jackson and the Emperor's New Clothes
by John Horvat II
It is almost in an atmosphere of the Emperor’s New Clothes that we dare to comment on the recent death of Michael Jackson. As the eulogies come streaming in from all sides, highlighting his musical career and bizarre personal life, few are the voices that cry out like the little child that the emperor had no clothes. There was no essence to the Jackson existential myth. He was the ill-fated casualty of his own self-destructive fantasies.
That is not to say that his death was without any meaning beyond that of personal tragedy. It speaks volumes of our culture. What we have witnessed is not just the passing of an individual but a symbol.
Michael Jackson was a symbol of the blatant contradictions of a cultural revolution that has devastated our society since the sixties. It is a revolution in the cultural field of manners, morality, music, ways of being, and dress that has imposed itself upon us by blurring distinctions, avoiding definitions, breaking social conventions and proposing the most blatant contradictions.
And while he was not alone in representing this revolution over the decades, Michael Jackson was an archetypal figure that took the flag of this revolution to its extreme and bizarre consequences.
Everything about him was contradiction. Indeed, from his surreal Neverland retreat, he seemed to thrive on the idea that no barrier could be left standing. All contradictions could be bridged.
He dissolved and blurred the distinctions between man and woman, black and white, homosexual and heterosexual, adult and child, logic and illogic, fantasy and reality.
His was a contradiction in constant transformation, flitting from one thing to another. He was a being constantly remaking himself, even to the point of surgically changing his natural features to fit his extravagant whims and desires. We might well describe his world as one of constantly evolving chaos.
Of course, we might also mention the moral scandals of his life, especially allegations of abuse of minors who he invited to sleepover at his ranch. While much less serious allegations would be enough to end forever the ministry of a priest, he seems to have enjoyed immunity from public disgrace.
Thus, Michael Jackson was not a model to be imitated but a tragic symbol of blatant contradiction. While not everyone followed him all the way down his eerie ambiguous path, he left doors of aberration open so that others might enter after him.
If there is something that the child needs to proclaim before the emperor today, it is a cry that the so-called king of pop has no definitions, distinctions, morals and logic. It is the generalized ambiguity of actions, words and events and the glorification of contradiction that has brought about our self-destructive decline – and the passing away of a symbol.
Polish Engineer Martyred in Pakistan
Stanczak, 42, was kidnapped September 28 on his way to survey for oil exploration in Attock district, of Pakistan's eastern province of Punjab. The kidnappers also killed his driver and two guards.
Militants released a gruesome seven-minute video in early February showing his beheading. One of the murderers blamed the Pakistani government which failed to accept their demands for the release of detained militants.
Warsaw reacted angrily, slammed Islamabad's "apathy" in tackling terrorism and offering a 1-million-zloty (300,000-dollar) reward for information leading to the capture of the Taliban militants who beheaded Stanczak.
Among the militants whose release was sought by the Taliban was Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, a British-Pakistani who was sentenced to death for the 2002 abduction and murder of US journalist Daniel Pearl.
When negotiations between the representatives of the Pakistani government and the hostage-takers failed, the Taliban leadership gave the Polish man a last chance to save himself, Stanczak's captors revealed to another hostage, a Pakistani man Mohammad Amir.
Amir - a pseudonym, as he asked for anonymity to avoid possible repercussions - was released recently after his family paid 1 million rupees (25,000 dollars) to agents of Taliban commander Tariq Afridi.
Afridi heads a small group of Taliban in the Orakzai tribal district and is loyal to Baitullah Mehsud, the chief of local Taliban who has a 5-million-dollar bounty on his head for being an al-Qaeda facilitator. Pakistani troops have recently been ordered to take decisive action against Mehsud.