Thursday, April 29, 2010

Is This Believable? Archbishop Burke and the Abuse Crisis

The web site of The Washington Post has published the astounding-- and completely unsupported-- claim that Archbishop Raymond Burke, former Archbishop of St. Louis and current Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, was “kicked upstairs” because of improper handling of sexual abuse allegations.

“Some prelates acted in ways that constituted cover-ups,” writes Anthony Stevens-Arroyo. “Many of them have accepted blame for errors and made public statements of apology. Others, like Cardinal Law, formerly of Boston and Archbishop Burke, formerly of St. Louis, have been ‘kicked upstairs’ to the Vatican. Not only have no apologies come directly from them, one wonders if such prelates might be liable for criminal action in the USA for obstruction of justice concerning the way they handled pedophilia cases.” responsible journalist or civil official has ever accused Archbishop Burke of obstruction of justice. To read the whole story, click here

1 comment:

  1. ‘kicked upstairs’

    Can we call this a reeeaaaccchhh?

    Maybe his next article will be "Burke Promoted Upstairs; Next Step Pope!"
