Friday, May 31, 2013
Police Attack Pro-family Protesters in Paris
When over a million French protested against same-sex "marriage," last Sunday, some protesters were brutally treated. Most of the protesters were young, demolishing the myth that youth overwhelming support homosexuality. The reaction against same-sex "marriage" has been impressed. Also impressive is the Socialist government effort to ram it through the legislature despite some of the largest protests in French history.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Sweden Punishes Victims Not the Criminals
The Gateway Pundit reports:
The actions of the police are worse than the actions of the arsonists. It’s the job of the police to protect the innocent. The fact that police have chosen not go after the bad guys is reprehensible. The fact that the police are giving tickets to the victims goes beyond any words that I can think of to describe their actions.
Car owners whose auto was torched
during immigrant rioting aren’t getting sympathy from local officials…
They’re getting tickets. The police chose to “wait” and “not to
intervene” when the gangs burned cars. But those car owners who could
not move their burnt-out wrecks, however, were fined.
Rioting continued for the sixth straight night last night.
The actions of the police are worse than the actions of the arsonists. It’s the job of the police to protect the innocent. The fact that police have chosen not go after the bad guys is reprehensible. The fact that the police are giving tickets to the victims goes beyond any words that I can think of to describe their actions.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Congressman Urges a Planned Parenthood in Every Neighborhood!

Rep. Jarrold Nadler, D-NY reported that New York Congressman Jarrold Nadler said, “Dr. Gosnell represented the poor quality of health care services available in poorer communities” during a hearing on Trent Franks' 20-week “fetal pain” bill on Thursday before the House Judiciary Subcommittee .
“If that means funding a Planned Parenthood clinic in every neighborhood to put guys like Gosnell out of business, so be it,” said Nadler while discussing the bill, which would end abortions beyond 20 weeks on the grounds that the babies could feel pain by that point.
Nadler, who has a 100 percent voting record with NARAL Pro-Choice America, did not explain how funding the nation's most prolific abortion provider would reduce the number of grisly cases of infanticide or elevate the treatment women receive.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Gosnell's former patients would sometimes go to Planned Parenthood after visiting the Women's Medical Society, and "would complain to staff about the conditions there.” There is no record that Planned Parenthood turned their fellow abortionist in to the authorities.
Two employees of a Wilmington, Delaware, Planned Parenthood described the unsanitary conditions, where employees engaged in a “meat-market style of assembly-line abortions.”
Tanya Reaves, 24, died last July 20 after the treament she received in the Loop Health Center Planned Parenthood in Chicago. The autopsy concluded the abortionist perforated her uterus, then allowed her to hemorrhage for five-and-a-half hours before dropping her off at a hospital – and not telling the medical personnel about the perforation. A complaint filed in February with the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation by Thomas Brejcha, president of the Thomas More Society in Chicago, on behalf of his client, the Pro-Life Action League, said Planned Parenthood's actions constituted the “abandonment of a patient.”
In a less publicized case, Ayanna Byer, 40, sued Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs, where she says employees forced her to undergo an abortion against her will, without anesthesia, and which left part of her aborted baby inside her. Her case was filed by the Alliance Defending Freedom.
Nadler's dismissive comments followed similar denials in the Senate, where Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-CA, likened Dr. Gosnell's “house of horrors” to a dirty dentist's office. "Whatever the setting is – if it's a reproductive health care clinic, if it's a dentist, if it's any type of doctor – any kind of clinic, where there are willful violations of the law and violations of human dignity and violations of standard of care, we should call them out," she said.
Nadler called the bill “just another battle of the Republican war on women.”
Friday, May 24, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Please Sign a Petition to Disney CEO Robert Iger

Please Sign
A Respectful Petition
To Disney CEO,
Robert Iger
Petition Background
According to press reports, homosexuals and pro-homosexual activists will soon be celebrating the 23rd annual “Gay Days”, at Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
This is something that families and children should absolutely NOT be exposed to.
So, for the good of families and of children, please ask Disney not to allow any and all activities related to Homosexual Day. (We avoid using the word gay since there’s nothing gay about this sin.)
On behalf of the innocence of America’s children and unsuspecting families visiting Disney World over this Memorial Day weekend, please join me in this protest.
Send your instant e-petition now.
P.S. Please send your e-message today so Disney will hear from you and know the reasons why you absolutely object to them hosting a homosexual day at the park.
Also, please say a Rosary for the success of our nationwide protest against “Gay Days” at Disney. The Rosary is far more powerful than most people realize. So, let’s use it to defend the innocence of our children and the moral propriety of our societ
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Not All Relationships Are Equal
Many people point to social media as an expansion of human relationships. Indeed, it is true that the number of personal contacts is often greater but the quality of relationships is also very important. Richard Stivers notes:
“The more time individuals spent online, the more they experienced loneliness and depression. Increased Internet use obviously results in loss of time for actual friends. Relationships that are not based on shared responsibilities and shared difficulties are superficial and ultimately unsatisfactory. The quality and content of communication are more important than the mere quantity.” (Richard Stivers, The Illusion of Freedom and Equality, State University of New York Press, Albany, 2008, p.52.)
Not All Relationships Are Equal | Return to OrderReturn to Order
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Pro-life Groups Claim to be Among IRS Targets
Washington D.C., May 17, 2013 / 04:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Along with its targeting of conservative political groups for extra scrutiny, Internal Revenue Service employees also reportedly singled out pro-life leaders for intimidation.
As the IRS scandal continues to grow, news surfaced that two pro-life groups, Coalition for Life of Iowa and Christian Voices for Life, were withheld approval of tax exempt status.
“For both of those organizations there were inquiries from the IRS, there was delay, there were questions...which really infringed on First Amendment rights; they were asking them not to protest, not to assemble,” Sally Wagenmaker, special counsel with the Thomas More Society who assisted the groups, told CNA May 16.
For more, click below:
Pro-life groups claim to be among IRS targets :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)
Friday, May 17, 2013
Who is Praising this Blasphemous Play?
Who wrote this lavish praise for the blasphemous play, "The Testament of Mary?"
"Mary is clearly angry that she had to sacrifice her son. She lashes out at his followers and also laments that she could not save him. Toibin writes, “ ‘I was there,’ I said. I fled before it was over but if you want witnesses then I am one and I can tell you now, when you say that he redeemed the world, I will say that it was not worth it. It was not worth it. ” Seeing “The Testament of Mary” was definitely worth it."
The article appears in the news site with the title: "Santora: Watching Mary testify is a blessing." The author of the article also attacks the American TFP's protest outside the theater on opening night. The full story is here
The author is a Catholic priest in New Jersey.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Return to Order Crosses Critical 5,000 Sales Mark

The book describes America’s need to return to an organic Christian society or Return to Order, as a solution for today’s socio-economic meltdown.
For more than two decades Mr. Horvat has been researching and writing about the socio-economic crisis inside the United States that has culminated in the ground-breaking release of his new book.
Recognized as one of the most important books on the subject to be published in the past ten years, Mr. Horvat describes the root cause of our economic crisis and what can now be done to put us back on course.
The book has received critical acclaim from political and religious leaders including former Attorney General of the United States, The Hon. Edwin Meese III who said Return to Order “sets forth valuable recommendations for restoring our society to its foundation of ordered liberty and traditional values.”
John Horvat II is a scholar, researcher, educator, international speaker, and author whose writings have appeared worldwide including in The Wall Street Journal, FOX News, The Christian Post, The Washington Times, ABC News, C-SPAN as well as other publications and websites.
Return to Order sells at, at major online booksellers, and in bookstores nationwide.
For author interviews please contact:
Mr. Alex Hinojosa at
EMSI Public Relations
3748 Turman Loop, Suite 101
Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
Toll Free:800-881-7342
Return to Order Crosses Critical 5,000 Sales Mark | Return to Order
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Seventh Abortion Clinic in Eight Months Closes in Michigan
Great news comes from Michigan of yet another abortion clinic closing – Birth Control Center in Sterling Heights.
This makes the SEVENTH abortion mill to close in in the Great Lake State since last September.
As it seems with most abortuaries in Michigan, Birth Control Center has a storied past.
Birth Control Center was the state’s second oldest abortion clinic, incorporating on July 19, 1974.
It was Birth Control Center that brought a lawsuit in the late 1970s which struck down state licensing requirements for abortion clinics.
From the 1981 ruling, Birth Control Center Inc v. Reizen (then Michigan’s state health director), until pro-life legislators passed a clinic regulation law in 1999, first trimester abortion clinics there were completely unregulated.
Even after that, as we have seen with Gosnell’s clinic in Pennsylvania, most abortion clinics remained uninspected due to bureaucratic technicalities and foot-dragging.
But that began to change on on December 28, 2012, when Gov. Rick Snyder signed an omnibus anti-abortion “super bill” into law, requiring abortion clinics to be licensed as surgical outpatient facilities, among other things.
As Ed Rivet, Right to Life of Michigan’s legislative director, noted in an email, “It’s pretty apparent that BCC decided it would be too much trouble and expense to bring this clinic into compliance with the new licensing law.”
Added pro-life investigator Lynn Mills, who broke this story, “That is what makes this so sweet – BCC sued to have no regulations and is now apparently closing over regulations!”
Clinic owner and abortionist, Dr. Richard Goldfine, pictured left, still has what he calls an “obstetrical” practice inBingham Farms, Michigan. Calls to BCC yesterday were referred there.
Michigan is now down to 26 surgical abortion clinics and two medical, for a total of 28, down from a high of 72.
Seventh abortion clinic in eight months closes in Michigan |
This makes the SEVENTH abortion mill to close in in the Great Lake State since last September.
As it seems with most abortuaries in Michigan, Birth Control Center has a storied past.
Birth Control Center was the state’s second oldest abortion clinic, incorporating on July 19, 1974.
It was Birth Control Center that brought a lawsuit in the late 1970s which struck down state licensing requirements for abortion clinics.
From the 1981 ruling, Birth Control Center Inc v. Reizen (then Michigan’s state health director), until pro-life legislators passed a clinic regulation law in 1999, first trimester abortion clinics there were completely unregulated.
Even after that, as we have seen with Gosnell’s clinic in Pennsylvania, most abortion clinics remained uninspected due to bureaucratic technicalities and foot-dragging.
But that began to change on on December 28, 2012, when Gov. Rick Snyder signed an omnibus anti-abortion “super bill” into law, requiring abortion clinics to be licensed as surgical outpatient facilities, among other things.
As Ed Rivet, Right to Life of Michigan’s legislative director, noted in an email, “It’s pretty apparent that BCC decided it would be too much trouble and expense to bring this clinic into compliance with the new licensing law.”
Added pro-life investigator Lynn Mills, who broke this story, “That is what makes this so sweet – BCC sued to have no regulations and is now apparently closing over regulations!”
Clinic owner and abortionist, Dr. Richard Goldfine, pictured left, still has what he calls an “obstetrical” practice inBingham Farms, Michigan. Calls to BCC yesterday were referred there.
Michigan is now down to 26 surgical abortion clinics and two medical, for a total of 28, down from a high of 72.
Seventh abortion clinic in eight months closes in Michigan |
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Happy Mothers's Day -- St. Louis de Montfort Academy
The Staff and Students of St. Louis de Montfort Academy wish their mothers and all mothers a blessed and joyful Mother's Day.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Abortion Activist: Kermit Gosnell Horrors “Just Like Weeding Your Garden”
The passerby tried to justify Dr. Gosnell’s brutal abortions. “It’s not murder.”
Refering to pregnant mothers, she said: “There’s nothing there until there’s love.”
TFP volunteer: “If it’s not murder, then what is it?”
Pro-abortion woman: “It’s like you’re weeding your garden.”
TFP: “Really? Do you kill the weeds?”
“You have to love. There’s not life until there’s love.”
On Monday, April 28, 2013, six TFP Student Action members traveled to downtown Philadelphia to campaign against abortion. The atmosphere was highly charged as the young men formed outside the Center for Criminal Justice, where final arguments in the murder trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell were taking place. He is being charged with eights counts of murder.
For more click here
Friday, May 3, 2013
Priest Denied Access While 8 Year-old Catholic Dies
by Patrick B. Craine
BOSTON, April 30, 2013 ( – A Boston columnist has reported that Catholic priests were barred by police from ministering to victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, among them an 8-year-old Catholic boy who died as a result of the blast.
Martin Richard, an 8-year-old Catholic boy who died in the Boston Marathon bombing
In a piece for the Wall Street Journal April 25th, Jennifer Graham said both Rev. John Wykes of the Prudential Center’s St. Francis Chapel and Rev. Tom Carzon, rector of Our Lady of Grace Seminary, among other priests, were denied access to the scene.
The police decision, she says, meant that at least one Catholic may have been prevented from receiving the last rites.
“Martin Richard, the 8-year-old boy who died on Boylston Street, was a Catholic who had received his first Communion just last year,” she writes. “As Martin lay dying, priests were only yards away, beyond the police tape, unable to reach him to administer last rites—a sacrament that, to Catholics, bears enormous significance.”
Father Wykes had served a time as hospital chaplain in Illinois, where he had no problems administering to victims at police scenes. "I was allowed to go anywhere. In Boston, I don't have that access," he said.
"In the Bing Crosby era—in the '40s, '50s, '60s—a priest with a collar could get in anywhere. That's changed. Priests are no longer considered to be emergency responders,” he added.
When the priests realized they could not offer the sacraments to victims, they set up a table to serve water and fruit, and spoke to those who approached.
Graham noted the potential risk of letting priests in, pointing out how easy it is to buy a clerical collar and impersonate a priest, as well as the fact that the decision may have been an “individual’s error” rather than a police force policy.
Yet either way, according to John M. Grondelski, former associate dean of Seton Hall University’s School of Theology, these priests were marginalized and the police force ought to answer for it.
“’Denial of access to clergy’—especially at the hour of our death—is no trifling thing,” he wrote Tuesday in First Things. “Have we now decided that clergy are not first responders, that only physical life is worth saving, that spiritual life is a private affair that has no relevance in the midst of a terrorist attack?”
The incident, he said, “de facto marginalized clergy, relegating their ministry to the sidelines as unessential to the ‘real’ assistance that the state’s authorities thought it had a monopoly on.”
“The message is clear: Disasters are Caesar’s turf, not God’s,” he adds.
Commenting at, Catholic journalist Phil Lawler says the incident is reminiscent of a Boston slogan from decades past: ”Catholics need not apply.”
“Doctors and nurses were welcome at the bombing scene. Firefighters and police officers were welcome. But Catholic priests, who might have offered the solace of the sacraments, were not,” he writes.
Lawler found it significant that the priests ended up ministering by offering water and fruit. “Doesn’t that nicely capture what a once-Catholic, now-secular culture expects from the Church?” he writes. “It’s not essential for priests to administer the sacraments; in fact it’s unwelcome. But if they could just stay out of the way, and give people something to eat, that would be fine.”
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Great News! Testament of Mary Cut Short
Great news! The blasphemous play "The Testament of Mary" has been cut short. On April 22, nearly 400 Catholics led by the America Needs Fatima protested the play in which the main character (playing the Blessed Mother) says the whole redemption story was false and in the end entirely disrobes.
Here is the result of this protest!

Here is the result of this protest!

Playbill News: The Testament of Mary, Starring Fiona Shaw,
Will Close May 5
The Testament of Mary, Starring Fiona Shaw, Will Close May 5
By Adam Hetrick
April 30, 2013
The Testament of Mary, starring Tony Award nominee and
four-time Olivier Award-winning actress Fiona
Shaw as the mother of Christ, will end its Broadway run May
5 at the Walter Kerr Theatre after 16 regular
Authored by Irish novelist Colm Toibln, the play is the
first Broadway production to post a closing notice
following the April 30 announcement of the 2013 Tony Award
nominations. Despite earning three Tony
nominations, including Best Play, The Testament of Mary will
end its run prematurely.
It began previews March 26 and officially opened to mixed
reviews April 22 after playing 27 previews. It was
scheduled to playa 12-week engagement through June 16.
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