Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Video Clip of Pro-Family Rally in Albany New York

You’re not going to hear about it on the news, but thousands gathered on the east steps of the New York State Capitol building in Albany to defend traditional marriage. I really wonder why the media is so silent about it.

In fact, a similar rally held in Manhattan last month drew an estimated 20,000 people.

The good news is this: The large turnout at these two rallies indicates that there is a strong and vocal reaction opposing the destruction of traditional marriage in New York. So let’s work and pray that it will continue to grow stronger and stronger.

TFP Student Action volunteers attended the rally on June 9 and put together the short video for you to watch. They also took a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Fatima to the event and prayed a public Rosary, asking the Blessed Mother to intercede for us before the throne of God and preserve America from the sins of abortion and homosexuality.

Special request for prayers: our members are giving up their summer vacation to organize two Call to Chivalry Camps (in Louisiana and Pennsylvania) and tour several states where traditional marriage is severely under attack.

It will be a busy, grueling, and challenging time for them and they need your prayers.

Will you please pray for them?

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